Ali Mallu Poker

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  3. Ali Mallu Poker Party

Total life earnings: $1,388,251. Latest cash: $3,600 on 26-Feb-2020. Click here to see the details of Ali Mallu's 209 cashes.

  • Monday got off to a brilliant start with the news that British legend Ali Mallu had taken down the latest leg of the 2015 Grosvenor UK Poker Tour. Despite being in his sixties, Mallu is one of the.
  • After he finished Day 1a of the 2015 Grosvenor UK Poker Tour (GUKPT) Manchester Man Event as chip leader, we said that the legendary Ali Mallu would do one of two things: (1) bust out well before the money places or (2) go on and take down the whole shebang. He did the latter.
@PokerStars In UKIPT

6.35pm: Break and bounty
It's another 15-minute break as we approach the final two levels of the day. We've also posted up the prize payouts. £65,400 for the winner? Must be nice. Find link on the right of this page shortly. -- RD

6.30pm: Arlott houses up
I arrived to see a flop of 7♦6♥5♣ and a bet of 1,500 in front of T Kamel who was in the hi-jack, the small blind Anthony Arlott was contemplating the call, one he eventually made. On the 9♣ turn the pattern repeated itself, Arlott check-calling a bet of 3,100. The river was the 9♦, Arlott open shipped for 6,475 and after a small dwell Kamel called. Arlott showed 5♠5♥ for a rivered full house, Kamel showed the 8♠ as he mucked. --NW

6.20pm: No cooler for Koller
Roman Koller started today at the Eames-Brammer-Ainsworth table and has been holding account of himself well enough. On a couple of the last hands before the table broke - bouncing Vicky Coren onto her third table of the day - Koller was starting to get more involved. He first check-folded an all diamond 6♦4♦Q♦ flop to Chris Brammer and then button three-bet Robin Dhinsa to take some back. -- RD

6.15pm: Liam Flood chipping up
We thought Liam Flood was out as his seat was empty, but a quick glance and we'd located him at another table, just in time to see him eliminate another player with A♥K♥ against A♠[10s]. The money went in on a 8♣K♠A♣ flop the 7♣ turn and 5♣ river changing nothing. The eliminated player bolted pretty quickly and didn't have his seat card in front of him. --NW

6.05pm: Two in a row for Gavin
I just saw Fintan Gavin drag two pots in a row with a bit of power poker.

1) Neil Channing opened to 650 from middle position, Gavin made it 1,900 from the cut-off and after a bit of thought Channing called. The flop was K♠8♠9♣, Channing checked to Gavin and as the Irishman was reaching for chips, Channing mucked his hand.

2) It folded to Gavin who made it 850 to go and got two callers in the shape of Hoss Parhizkar from the small blind and big blind Albert Sapiano. On a flop of 5♥7♦5♠ both players checked to Gavin who fired a c-bet of 1,700. Parkhizkar asked Gavin how much he had left (27,500) before exhaling, tapping the table and folding. Sapiano also folded. --NW

6pm: Sapiano's not so subtle limp shove
Albert Sapiano limped for 300 and was instantly attacked by Michael Hill who raised to 900. The action folded to Fintan Gavin in the big blind who raised to 2,000. Sapiano scratched his head then moved all-in for well in excess of 20,000 forcing out both players. Neil Channing asked to be shown a card and Sapiao flashed the A♣. 'No, not that one, the other one,' said Channing. Nice try, angle shooter. -- RD

5.55pm: Flood following Fennell
Liam Flood is flowing along nicely with 22,000 here in Brighton but seems more concerned about the fortunes of James Fennell who is above average chips in the World Series Main Event with 78 players left. -- RD

5.45pm: Ali Mallu is out
From early position Ali Mallu made it 1,000 straight to play. He picked up a customer in the shape of the button, Neil Kilgour. The flop was 6♦7♥9♣, Mallu checked to Kilgour who bet 3,600, Mallu check raised all-in for 6,800 total. As Kilgour was contemplating his move Mallu said, 'It's not much more.' Kilgour did indeed make the call:
Mallu: J♥8♣
Kilgour: A♥9♥
Turn: 3♣
River: 9♦
Mallu rapped the table and said, 'good hand,' before exiting the card room. --NW

5.40pm: Germany vs Germany
The players at table one beckoned me over to tell me about a sick pot that happened between two German friends who were seated at the same table. All the money went in pre-flop Tim Bettingen had [A][J] and Finn Zwad held [A][K]. The board had more twists and turns than a Mesut Ozil mazy dribble, running out [8][J][K][J][K]. Zwad is up to 47,000, Bettingen is out. Whilst Zwad was telling me about the hand another big pot played out at table one, details coming right up. --NW

5.35pm: Table break
The Coren-Channing-Robinson table has just been broken with Neil Channing moving in with Fintan Gavin, Albert Sapiano and UKIPT leaderboard Michael Hill. Team PokerStars Pro Vicky Coren has probably got the tougher draw sitting down two seats to the right of Chris Brammer and three to the right of John Eames. It could be an interesting dynamic and it's one that we'll be keeping a keen eye on. -- RD

Neil Channing has just joined UKIPT leaderboard chief Michael Hill's table


5.30pm: Kavanagh the master of Maker
Three players - Dimps Maker, Paul Kavanagh and an in position Jason Herbert all saw a flop of 6♠5♣[10d], Maker checked, Kavanagh bet 675 and both Herbert and Maker called. The 2♠ turn checked through. On the 6♥ river Maker checked it to Kavanagh who bet 600, Herbert folded, Maker made the call.


Kavanagh: J♣J♥
Maker: 7♥7♣. --NW

5.25pm: Cody wins a mid-size pot
Jake Cody just won a pot of 4,750 from Sunny Nagi. Both players checked the turn and river of a A♣5♠5♥4♥8♣ board. The EPT Deauville winner announced 'pokcet tens,' Nagi nodded signifying Cody's hand was good, took one last look at his hand and mucked. --NW

5.20pm: Spinks binks
John Spinks has just binked a dream river to rake in a chunky pot against Dihn Lee. Lee had bet 2,600 on a 8♣6♣T♥9♠ turn and Spinks had made the call. The river paired the board and brought the club flush with the T♣. Lee check-called a 6,000 bet from Spinks.

Spinks: T♦6♦ for a fullhouse
Lee: K♣7♣ for turned straight and rivered flush

It's a dream river for Spinks who chips up to 47,000. -- RD

5.10pm: £65,400 to the winner
Late registration is over and the total number of entrants has been confirmed at 259. The payout structure has been confirmed by tournament direector Toby Stone and a total of 32 places will be paid. The winner of the UKIPT Brighton will take home £65,400, anyone who makes the final table will be guaranteed £5,500 and a 32nd placed finish for a min cash is worth £1,700. --NW

5pm: Massive preflop laydown
Marius Lietuvninkas is sitting fourth in the UKIPT leaderboard and this is probably the reason why. Malte Prosse opened the pot to 750 from the cut-off and was three-bet to 1,750 by Lietuvnikas on the button. The blinds passed and Prosse four-bet to 5,250. Lietuvnikas tank-folded kings face-up. There was certainly a flash of surprise on Prosse's face but whether it was tainted with relief or dismay can't be known without seeing those mucked hole cards. Lietuvnikas had over 20,000 at the beginning of the hand and Prosse had him covered. Epic fold or nitty late position muck? -- RD

Marius Lietuvninkas can dodge bullets, baby (whether they're real or blanks)

4.55pm: Brammer busts Ainsworth
Jude Ainsworth recently departed his pocket kings no good against Chris Brammer's pocket aces. Brammer, currently in second place on the UKIPT leaderboard, now has a stack of 29,450. --NW

4.45pm: Chip counts updated
We've been busily updating our chip counts page. If you look closely you'll notice the number of Team PokerStars Pros left in has dropped from two to one. Jude Ainsworth recently departed news on that exit coming up. --NW

4.30pm: Prizepool confirmation
The tournament directors are currently working through their esoteric formulas for the payout structure but the one thing that has been confirmed is that the total slush fund is £259,000 (plus a £5,000 entry into EPT London). The man that is currently at the front of the day 1b charge towards the money is Jean-Nicolas Fortin who is tipping the scales with over 60,000 in his big stack. -- RD

Ali Mallu Poker Games


Ali Mallu Poker Videos


Day 1b chipleader Canadian Jean-Nicolas Fortin is one of the many overseas players here at the UKIPT

Ali Mallu Poker Party

PokerStars Blog reporting team at UKIPT Brighton: Rick Dacey and Nick Wright. Photos by Mickey May.